Feb 04, 2016

Let’s talk travel workouts.  What do I mean by travel workouts?  A workout you do when you are on the road… at a hotel.  First of all, lets talk about the most important thing.

What is your goal?  MOVE MORE.

Assuming its being fit, losing weight, staying mobile (battling all that sitting, sitting in the cab, on the train, on the plane, in all day meetings, all that sitting) while traveling.  What do I mean by being mobile?  Being able to move your body through a full ROM (range of motion).  Stretching and foam rolling improve mobility, so does walking, squatting, working out, etc.  A good day is one where you can move as much as possible, without pain.  Movement is life, the more you move, the more alive you feel.

Here are few things I am going to discuss:

  1. TIP 1 will address the question:  What is the best way to feel good everyday, you should do this, every day everywhere anyway, not just when you travel?
  1. TIP 2 will address the question:  What is the best way to energize your mind and body, get better sleep and decrease your level of stress?
  1. TIP 3 will address the question:  What workout will give you the biggest bang for your buck, cardio or weight training?





This is the simplest, most effective way to feel good everyday.  Its not a habit that that is reserved for traveling either, its one you should do everyday.  Everyday.  It takes 10 minutes and it will transform your life.  Its called, SelfMyofascial Release or what I like to call, mobility work.  A simple way to do with them you travel is to pack a soft ball (for those who feel this is too hard, get a softer training version of a softball).  This little ball can roll out tightness in your calves, legs, hips, low back, shoulders and arms (check out this short video  for some basic examples).     

BENEFITS: Its will improve your flexibility, function, performance, and reduce injuries.

TRAINING TIP: Follow up your mobility work with some stretching.  Go after big muscle groups in the following sequence (video clip) calves-hamstrings- quads – glutes – upper body.

TOTAL TIME: 10 Minutes



I have recently learned the power of going for walks.  The benefits go beyond just moving more.  The goal here is to use walking and (inspirational) music to help put you in a positive state of mind.  Not only will the moving help energize you, you’ll get a chance to see a little snap shot of the place you are visiting too.

BENEFITS:  Increased energy, burn some calories and improve your total body circulation.

TRAINING TIP: Build a playlist that inspires you.  It doesn’t matter how cheesy you might think the music is, if it works for you great… you can walk, listen and visualize positive goals you want to achieve, or use a powerful incantation (like a mantra).

TOTAL TIME: 15 Minutes



Okay, I am going to tell you one of my biggest pet peeves.  99% of the time, when I go to a hotel gym to workout most of the people are doing what?  CARDIO.  They are on treadmills or bikes or ellipticals.  Don’t they know, that metabolic circuit training is the best way to boost metabolism, burn more calories all day and get the workout done in the shortest amount of time?  UGH!    I am in and out in 20 minutes.  And you can be too!

All you need is 1 set of dumbbells.  Most places have dumbbells.  So 95% of the time, this will work.  You could also do this circuit with just body weight, if you had to, you could.

The 1-minute run starts the workouts out, so once you start the circuit, keep going with little or no break.  Start on the cardio (feel like part of the group) then do 1 set of each exercise all the way through BEFORE taking a full 1 minute break.  Complete the full repetition range, even if you have to stop, take a “mini” break and continue:


ROUND 1: (warm up set, use weights on the lighter side)

  • 60 second run or fast jog (also known as a run)
  • 20 reps – Squat, curl and overhead press
  • 20 reps – Bent Over Row
  • 20 reps – Push Ups (use a bench vs. knee pushups if you have to modify)
  • 20 reps – Alternating Lunge and Curl
  • 20 reps – DB Crunch


ROUND 2 (less reps here, so go with a slightly heavier weight if possible)

  • 60 second run or fast jog (also known as a run)
  • 16 reps – Squat, curl and overhead press
  • 16 reps – Bent Over Row
  • 16 reps – Push Ups (use a bench vs. knee pushups if you have to modify)
  • 16 reps – Alternating Lunge and Curl
  • 16 reps – DB Crunch


ROUND 3 (less reps here, so go with a slightly heavier weight if possible)

  • 60 second run or fast jog (also known as a run)
  • 12 reps – Squat, curl and overhead press
  • 12 reps – Bent Over Row
  • 12 reps – Push Ups (use a bench vs. knee pushups if you have to modify)
  • 12 reps – Alternating Lunge and Curl
  • 12 reps – DB Crunch


Here is a video of the workout:


BENEFITS:  Boost metabolism, challenge the entire body, get in and out in less than 30 minutes.

TRAINING TIP: Each round you move to heavier weights, this will challenge the muscle in different ways, don’t be afraid to go heavy!

TOTAL TIME: 20-25 Minutes


Regardless of how many days you are traveling… you can do this workout everyday.  Or you can alternate the metabolic circuit with interval cardio days.  But do you mobility and power walk every day.

I think you’ll find you are the sharpest person at your meetings, you’ll sleep better at night and your body and mind will be in a much better place than if you just sleep in and watch TV!

Good luck.



Phil Dozois, Owner, Breakthru Fitness


Have any questions or comments for me, email me [email protected] or put your comments below!