Shift Your Mind and Transform Your Life - Post #1
Aug 07, 2020
A monthly MNI - BLOG that provides thought-provoking resources and ideas to help move past the old beliefs that limit your ability to enjoy life on a deeper level and live a happier, more impactful life.
Everyday tools for developing a positive & resilient mindset
I am always searching for small, practical ideas in books, articles, and podcasts in all areas of personal development. If you feel you are already making all the money you need, you can skip this book. If you see room for improvement, Sincero will show you the way. The book provides concrete steps to help you reset your beliefs about yourself and your relationship to money. This book is RICH with knowledge!
- You Are a Badass® at Making Money by Jen Sincero. Jen is a #1 New York Times bestselling author, success coach, and motivational cattle prod who’s helped countless people transform their personal and professional lives. -GET THE BOOK
Daily actions to help your focus, energy, and vitality by enhancing your food and fitness
This week I am focusing less on what I am eating, and instead more on how much I am eating. The concept is simple…look for ways to eat less at each meal. Here are a few simple ideas I am exploring: slowing down when I eat, stopping before I am full, eating less processed foods, and avoiding drinking my calories. It sounds simple, but it’s super effective and can be done anywhere, anytime. Try it!
- Here is more from our friends at Precision Nutrition - READ MORE HERE
Deepening your relationships by connecting with the people who matter most
Perhaps our focus on spending MORE time with loved ones takes away from the power of just being MORE present. I have been spending time with friends and family recently and working on just being present when I am with them. One trick to being more present is to focus more on THEM and what is going on in their lives. Ask questions and then listen… deeply. Then see what happens… how long can you go without talking about yourself?
- There’s a tremendous difference between physically being in the same room with your significant other and actually making yourself emotionally and mentally available to them. READ MORE HERE
Creating a positive impact on the world through the work we do
One of the key characteristics of great leadership is ENERGY. And learning to control that energy is so critical to those who work around you. This is where ASKING YOURSELF the right questions is critical. And when you move from critical questions to curiosity questions the energy shifts to one of understanding vs. judging.
- Our mindsets are determined by the questions we ask. Some questions have the potential to catalyze breakthroughs and inspire transformations. Others lead to stagnation and demoralization. The difference lies in whether you ask Learner Questions or Judger Questions. READ MORE HERE
BONUS - What is this week’s favorite TOY, QUOTE, and INSIGHT
TOY: Focus@Will APP
- I have been using this APP for years! This allows me to deep dive into focused work no matter where I am working and it also tracks my productivity. Check it out here: CHECK OUT THE APP
QUOTE: “Focus is the art of knowing what to ignore.” James Clear
INSIGHT: Change your focus for weight loss to stress reduction instead of calorie reduction. Chances are good if you reduce stress, you’ll eat less and better food choices.
Shift Your Mind and Transform Your Life,
Phil D
IG - @ultimatepersonalcoach
Twitter - @coachphil_d